Like most people, I avoided really securing my financial future for years with plenty of very valid reasons: kids, home management, parents, errands, my business and in the moment living.  

When the worry of possibly outliving my money awoke me in the middle of the night, I shoved it. During the day, being "busy" kept me too busy to address my financial fears head on.  

I was dealing with the "urgent but not so important" issues in life, instead of a super important plan to ensure that I had money to live comfortably for the rest of my life. 

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Knowing how much money you'll need to retire feels very vague so it's hard to know if you're even on track. But one morning I’ll never forget, while sitting at my breakfast table, I read a Barron's article about the amount of money it would take to maintain our current lifestyle during retirement

The article broke the savings levels into 4 Lifestyle Categories: 

  •  Beer and Peanuts
  •  Filet Mignon and Champagne
  •  Private Jet Travel
  •  Private Jet Owner

I was shocked! I don't even drink beer and we were barely even in that category! 

Suddenly, what had once been "important but not urgent" became very urgent because I knew that with every single passing year another missed opportunity to create my own financial destiny had passed. I knew for certain that I was avoiding securing my future. 

I knew in that moment unless I made some major shifts, our very comfortable lifestyle, complete with organic food, a couple of nice vacations every year, and a home that we loved, would be a challenge to maintain for life.  

You, too, may have seen the huge unpredictable financial challenges that had surfaced out of nowhere for everyone! Health care costs were rising every year, and, once reliable income from traditional retirement investments had been dshrunk to almost nothing with all-time low interest rates for many years. 

After playing with some real numbers on my calculator, it was clear that a once respected million dollar retirement account invested in 40% stocks, 45% bonds and 15% cash provides income of only about $1,800 a month from a typical diversified investment account after taxes. 

Two devastating stock market drops over 50% since 2000 had taken a toll on our savings and created even more uncertainty in late midlife. 

It suddenly felt too big and scary, as though I couldn’t do enough to really secure our financial future even though we had been investing for years, and we were covering our expenses almost always.  

I knew that others were worried sick, too, whether or not they were admitting it to themselves or anyone else. 

I pondered this unsettling epiphany over the next few days. I realized that the investing and retirement games had changed significantly due to factors beyond my control. Deep down, I had that darn little nagging fear of losing my nice lifestyle, being dependent on my kids, or just plain running out of money.  

I knew one thing for sure: I really didn’t want to “cut back spending” as I got older! If anything, I want to live better, and I knew that I could make it happen! More than ever, I saw how time made it so much easier to compound wealt, so the longer you have to invest, the less you have to work both now and later. 

I was ready to focus less on the now and more on the future before another year passed.  

What I really wanted was to feel more certain and in control of my financial future. Running out of money was right up there after family as far as what's important, and I knew it. This was the big scary question: would I outlive my money? The whole reason for working AND investing was making sure my money outlived me, yet I didn't know with a comfortable level of certainty that it would!  

Thanks so much for such an informative and exciting course. I really enjoyed the content and your insight!! The topics have motivated me to really get involved and be financially empowered to grow. 

Maria Gonzales  

The Financial Woman is helping empower me to confidently take control of my finances like I have wanted to for years. 

Suzanne R.,  

The huge realization that finally came was surprisingly simple. While I've worked with financial advisors in the past, this wasn't a job for anyone but me. Only I knew what I wanted and I knew if I dug deep, and put my emotions aside, I could make it happen. 

I knew I had it in me to create a plan to feel great about my money. I just needed to spend time on it, and allow myself the gift of confidence that came from knowing that I was definitely on track to have funds for life. So, I married my nerdy accounting background, almost 4 decades of investing experience and my entrepreneurial journey to take the steps that would give me the confidence that I so desired about my financial future. 

With lots of effort, research and several tweaks, it worked! I created a clear vision and solid plan for funds for life based on realistic and slightly out of the box financial planning, income and investing. 

Immediately, I felt relieved. Not only this, confidence and clarity replaced fear and uncertainty because I knew I had a solid and doable plan in place. This plan drove my decisions and actions. It finally felt great!

Now, I want to share this process with you, too, so you can feel more confident about your financial future. Plus, you'll be able to see the steps you need to take now before another year of missed opportunity passes. You'll get: 

First Hand and Unbiased Knowledge that Gives You Confidence!

Realistic yet Promising Clarity that Puts YOU in Control of Your Money

An Action Plan that Fuels & Sustains Funds for Life the Way YOU Want to Live

Helping you have each one of these is exactly what my Luxe for Life Program will do so you can finally feel at peace and in control of your own financial future. 

Here’s the Big Picture of What You’ll Get:

  •  Gain confidence around investing your money 
  •  Feel in control of your investment accounts 
  •  Create a realistic estimate of how much your current investment accounts will be worth later  
  •  Confirm that your actions now are creating funds for life (before it’s too late) 
  •  Doable options to enhance your wealth from both your investments AND your natural skills 
  •  Clarity to finally replace that nagging fear that you may run out of money  
  • A complete understanding of how investing in stocks and bonds work
  • Ways to create alternative income streams to catapult your wealth building

If you work with a financial advisor or planner, these steps will enhance your results and relationship because you are providing her with what matters most to you from a place of inner knowing. Some financial planners do part of this process with their clients at an hourly rate or fee that is 10 times the cost of this program. Plus, you’ll be able to do this process from a comfortable and intimidation free space on your on time and schedule.  

Working with Camille has been a life-changing experience. I came to her to help me grow my business, and right away she pointed out some simple ways to immediately begin making more money. I quickly made back my investment from working with Camille and I continue to build on what she has taught me. 

Dr.Kendall Ritz, M.D.  

There are 6 modules, and each module delivers a paradigm shift to enhance your wealth journey. You’ll get wiser with each lesson, and you become more confident about your money, your life, your financial future and wellbeing! 

You’ll get, step by step, everything below with my guidance from over 30 years of investing in literally “everything,” creating 13+ diversified and consistent income streams, and as an Accredited Financial Counselor®

Think about how good you will feel about your financial future once you have all of this clarity and confidence, and what all you can achieve once you have this solid foundation in place. 

One thing is for absolutely certain. In one year you’ll wish you have done this. In five years you’ll really wish you had done this. And in 10 years, it may be too late to grow your money so it gives you the life you want. 

Here’s How You’ll Get All of This:

The videos in each lesson will take you step by step through each process. You can watch them as many times as you like. And you’ll definitely want to watch them again every year when you update your progress toward your financial goals. You’ll have everything you need, for as long as you want. 

Accompanying templates, handouts and guides

 Here’s What All You Get When You Order Today:

  • Immediate Online Access to the Complete Luxe for Life Program 
  • Step by Step Videos You Can Watch As Many Times as You Want 
  • Templates and Handouts for Every Lesson 
  • Confidence and Clarity About Your Financial Future

Plus These Bonuses to Catapult Your Lifestyle and Wealth Creation:

Camille's Luxe Spending Secrets - Think of Champagne taste on a Prosecco budget, travel to Europe, afford designer style, luxury cars, indulge in regular massages and dine organic daily. (You are under OATH to never reveal these stealth spending strategies to your friends!) 

Lucrative Income Idea Guide that support my philosophy that income generation is way more fun and expansive than budgeting, so no more excuses for making less than you spend! There is an income strategy here for everyone to end the month with extra money.  

So, which is it? Spending a few hours now creating your own financial future? Or continued fear, avoidance and uncertainty? 

Click the button below now to begin creating your own financial freedom. Your course login will be emailed as soon as you purchase the program. 

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This program comes with a 100% Money Back Guarantee so You Have Nothing to Lose and Your Financial Freedom to Gain